sustainable development)


Sustainability and environmental work have always been integral parts of Axelent’s operations. The strategy is based on continuing efforts and continual improvement to reduce the company’s environmental impact, thereby creating long-term sustainable development. Legal and regulatory compliance, and the fulfilment of customer preferences and requirements, are givens when taking environmental responsibility seriously.

Work is under way throughout all of Axelent to minimise the company’s climate footprint. This is clearly illustrated by the fact that 100% of the energy used by the business is produced by Axelent’s own wind turbines. The surplus heat generated by production is used to heat the company’s premises and energy meters have been installed to ensure that we don’t use any more energy than necessary.


Ethics and morals

  • Our business commitments and our relationships with our customers, suppliers and employees shall always be based on high ethical and moral standards.

Products and services

  • Our products and services shall be as green as, if not greener than, similar products and services on the market.
  • Our products and services shall be produced and delivered under good working and manufacturing conditions.
  • The products shall contribute to, or at least not impede, more sustainable development as regards the climate, the environment, health and living conditions.
  • Our products and services shall meet, or preferably exceed, quality expectations.
Axelent Safety book


This sustainability approach is also evident when it comes to material selections. Given that Earth’s resources are finite, Axelent always strives to ensure that its natural resource use is as efficient as possible. In the first instance, the company chooses materials that are either already recycled or else reusable. Today, 99% of the company’s products are recyclable and collaborations with market leaders in the field ensure that operations are always at the forefront. Within production, Axelent always strives to maximise material use, thereby minimising the amount of unnecessary scrap and waste. Moreover, the company’s production doesn’t generate any emissions, other than welding fumes that are filtered, and so requires no permits or registration.

The company is also working hard to reduce its environmental impact within shipping. Since Axelent is an international company with a local base in Hillerstorp, Sweden, where all in-house production takes place, it’s impossible to completely eliminate all shipping-related emissions. Carbon emissions are, however, kept as low as possible by, for example, ensuring that 90% of subcontractors are located within a 100-kilometre radius of Axelent. Pallet use is carefully planned and organised to ensure optimised shipments from Hillerstorp. It is also the company’s ambition to minimise – and ultimately completely phase out – the use of air freight.


Towards a sustainable future

Continual improvement and smart solutions are central to Axelent’s sustainability work. With a strategy entailing continual development and renewal, the company aims to reduce its environmental impact in all areas of operations.

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